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Poison in the heart

Hello, today I will tell you a story called "poison in the heart".
Once upon a time there was a girl in a village. According to the ancient Slavic custom, after the wedding, she came to live in the house of her husband. But it was very uncomfortable for the young daughter-in-law with her mother-in-law. She constantly taught and reproached her for everything. One morning a young woman went to the sorcerer who lived on the outskirts of the forest.
"What brought you to me, beautiful?" Al peasant charm? - Asked the grandfather.
"I do not need anyone, I love my husband, but I can not live with his mother."
"What do you want from me?"
"Please help me." Give me the poison to poison her.
"Will it make you happy, young woman?" Anyway. I'm really sorry for you. I'll give you the potion. Every morning you will brew it, and drink this tea with the mother of your husband. But i have an advice for you.
- What? Speak, I will fulfill everything, just to get rid of this snake as soon as possible.
"Rumors are growing quickly in our village." They'll suspect you. Change your attitude towards your mother-in-law, so that this does not happen. Become affectionate, affable, smile. It will not take long for you to suffer.
So the woman did. Only the roosters sang, she gets up, mixes the bread, bakes the stove, prepares the porridge, and makes a poison potion for her mother-in-law's brew. She tenderly invites her to taste a miracle tea. She calls her a mom, obeys everything that she says. The husband couldn't be more happier: mother and wife became like relatives to each other. Mother-in-law loves the attitude of her sister-in-law. And sister answers with her sincere love. Then a girl hastens again to the sorcerer, rushes to his feet with tears:

"Grandpa, I beg you." You can do everything. Give me the antidote. I have made too much tea for my mother-in-law. She's going to die. But she became a mother to me. "My darling, calm down." I gave you fragrant herbs from which you cooked for your mother-in-law tasty and healthy tea. The poison was in your heart, but with God's help you got rid of it.

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