<p id="eow-description" class="">✧Свечной станок на благо храма ( ручная сборка) Подробнее: https://xsvechi.com/p279521748-svechn...
#СвечаПроизводствоАстрахань #КадильныеСвечи #Монашенки #Фимиам #КупитьКадильныеСвечи #Эксурсия #Люди #Деньги #Выход #ГородаРоссия #АстраханьСегодня #СвечаПроизводствоАстраханью #СвечиМоскваПроизводство #ПроизводствоСвечейРязань #ПроизводствоСвечейДляЦеркви #СвечнойЗаводикДляПроизводстваСвечей #СтанкиПроизводствоЦерковныхСвечей #КупитьСтанокПроизводствоСвечей #ТехнологияПроизводствоСвечей #ПроизводствоСвечейМиниЗавод #ПроизводствоЦерковныхСвечейБизнес
✧Оставьте свой след в истории родного края
Задумывались ли вы когда-нибудь о том, какой отпечаток оставит прожитая вами жизнь? Что будут помнить о ваших делах через 10, 30, 100 лет после вашей смерти?
В дореволюционной России были свои Морозовы и Третьяковы, оставившие след на века и тысячелетия. Есть ли место такому подвигу в современном мире?
Мы считаем однозначно — есть! Ведь и в наше время богатые люди строят школы, театры, больницы, приюты для бездомных, храмы.
Но не каждый имеет возможность построить храм. А вот сделать для храма что-то ценное и весомое — способен каждый.
И мы помогаем как раз тем, кто хочет быть полезными своим близким, людям, живущим рядом, прихожанам храма в родном селе или городе. Помогаем тем, кто хочет сделать мир лучше, поддержать нуждающихся, помочь храму. Посмотрите на эти фото: Подробнее: https://xsvechi.com/p279521748-svechn...
Have you ever thought about how you will leave the imprint of life lived? What will be remembered of your affairs after 10, 30, 100 years after your death?
In pre-revolutionary Russia had its Morozov and Tretyakov, left a mark on the century and millennium. Is there a place for such a feat in the modern world?
We believe unequivocally - there! Even in our time, rich people build schools, theaters, hospitals, homeless shelters, churches.
But not everyone has the opportunity to build a temple. But to do for the church something valuable and weighty - each capable.
And we help just those who want to be helpful to their loved ones, people living nearby, parishioners in his native village or town. We help those who want to make the world a better place, to support those in need, to help the church. Look at these photos: Подробнее: https://xsvechi.com/p279521748-svechn...
✧This candle machine. It can produce as church candles, as well as ordinary household. And yet - he makes prints on the candles. You can write directly on the plug name of the temple: "The Church of the Entry of the Theotokos into the Temple in Vedeno" . And you can make candles with biblical sayings such as: "The light of Christ enlightens everyone" . Or make a candle for the holiday: "Happy Angel" .
But this is not important in this machine. The most wonderful about him is that he can be your mark on history. Give the temple Church of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin in the Temple in Vedeno this machine - and candles produced on it, it will be possible to hand out to parishioners for free or for a nominal price.
Each candle with a particular impression will serve as a reminder of the good and noble deed committed by you. By donating to the temple this candle line, you leave behind a memory you leave, and candles will be released more decades.
Why do we deal with this issue
We produce church candles for about 20 years and we know the causes and difficulties of both technical as well as issues relating to the cost of production of candles. But we do not know anyone who would be engaged in the production of drum machines and at the same time he worked on his same equipment. Our competitors do not produce candles - just sell the design of several parts, which are called "tormented by himself." We produce candle line and we are on them as do candles for churches and monasteries.
Also unlike competitors who just sent you bought the machine a transport company, we - for the same money - come, install and train work on the machine. We give detailed advice - both technical and marketing plan - to answer any questions on all aspects of the candle business. Before deciding to purchase, you can come to our candle workshop and try out the equipment in the case - for the machine to work with your hands, ask all the questions that interest you.
In addition to the candle drum line, you can always order the paraffin wax candle mass, dyes - all that is required for the production of ready-made candles. Подробнее: https://xsvechi.com/p279521748-svechn...
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#свеча #производство #астрахань #фимиам #купить #эксурсия #выход #россия #сегодня #москва #рязань #для #свечной #заводик #станок #технология #мини #завод #бизнес #</p>