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"Know-how" About self-sustaining, entrepreneurial solutions to some of the global problems of hunger

"Know-how" About self-sustaining, without damage to the economy, entrepreneurial solutions to some of the global problems of hunger and global warming.
Peace and blessings! Peace and happiness! Good day and blessings! Applicant for the doctoral thesis of the National Academy of Ukraine sincerely thanks You, but that You took the time to read this message. "The prudent sees evil and hides him, but the simple pass on and are punished" - referred to in the Bible (Proverbs 22:3). And God is going to "ruin those ruining the Earth" (Revelation 11:18). And he promises: "Honest to live on Earth and perfect will be left on it. But the wicked shall be cut off from the earth, and the treacherous Iskor from it" (Proverbs 2:21, 22). Although militant atheists think that heaven is an illusion of a full life. Hell - full life already without illusions. The nature is turned into the environment after people started to protect it (2 Corinthians 1:3, 4, 7:6), (Psalm 23:4), (Matthew 24:3; Daniel 9:25), (Isaiah 55:7); Dictionary of Catholic theology (Dictionnaire de Théologie Catholique). The article "the end of the world". Eschatology. The Book Of Revelation. The book of Daniel. Some of the Apocrypha (for example, "Revelation of Peter"). Yaum al-Kiyama, Arab. يوم القيامة, letters. The "day of resurrection". The Canon Tripitaka and encyclopedia of Abhidharmakosa. Predictions in the 2nd Epistle to Timothy. Mahapralaya (SKT., Mahâ-pralaya, "great destruction"). Chiliasm.

And nature has evolved into the environment after the man began to protect her... The Secretary-General of the United Nations urged to mobilize science to address global issues of our time. Speaking in Seoul forum on the interaction of academic science and the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon called three urgent problems that can be solved only with the help of scientists. First, he believes food security. The second problem requiring urgent solution, Ban Ki-moon said sustainable development, including climate change. And the third task - it is the promotion of tolerance, or, as the Secretary-General, "the great project of peaceful coexistence. ». But according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (IPCC), the immediate need at least a 60% reduction in CO2 emissionstion only to stabilize the gas concentrations in the atmosphere at their present level. While such an immediate reduction in emissions is impossible. Although the solution to this problem been patented in the 70 years of the last century. All other models proposed by specialists of resistance temperature rise of climate are still only on paper, the concepts outlined.
The situation and food security has also deteriorated in the world. If food production is not growing fast enough to meet demand, there may be acute shortage of food, said the famous American investor, "We must do something, otherwise in a few years, we have what money can't buy food," he said Rogers, who heads Rogers Holdings company. "I continue to invest in agricultural assets, and will continue to do it if I have the opportunity," - said the investor. The food prices, which tracks food and agriculture organization of OON (FAO) has increased nine times over the last 11 months.
Global demand for corn and wheat exceeded the supply, and drought and floods have destroyed crops in several major exporting countries, reports "Interfax". If the government will not solve together the issue of food security, "the collapse of all hopes for a broader cooperation on other issues," said former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan.
Ministers of agriculture from 20 countries took the decision to increase the volume of agricultural production, the creation of the Fund of agricultural crops and the abolition of export restrictions. The Secretary-General of the United Nations urged to mobilize science to address global problems. Speaking in Seoul forum on the interaction of academic science and the United Nations, ban Ki-moon has named three urgent problems that can be solved only with the help of scientists. First he considers food security. The second problem requiring urgent solution, ban Ki-moon said sustainable development, including climate change. And the third challenge is promotion of tolerance, or, as expressed by the Secretary-General, "the great project of peaceful coexistence". But according to the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) (IPCC), the need for an immediate, at least 60% reduction in CO2 emissions, only the stabilizing of the gas concentrations in the atmosphere at their present level. While this immediate reduction of emissions impossible. Although the solution to these problems was patented in the 70 years of the last century. Was filed 17 applications for the alleged invention. Received 8 certificates of authorship and patents. Basic applications for the alleged invention or the militant atheists were not accepted, or refused to issue patents. As they aimed at the extension of the term of spiritual perfection of man on Earth. Entrepreneurial self-sustaining, applied without damage to the economies of the countries of scientific-technical products were presented at ENEA USSR and awarded medals. If pojavljatsja someone willing to move mountains for him definitely went the other, ready to wring his neck. And all the other experts proposed model of resistance to the increasing temperature of the climate are still only on paper concepts.

Although it's clear to see that humanity lives in pe6riod time, called the Bible "the last days." On the one hand, it could also be a financial mess, stupor economy, hunger and unemployment, and on the other hand, the final destruction of the environment, increased natural disasters and epidemics. The total probability of global catastrophe that could lead to the extinction of humanity in the XXI century, estimated between 10 and 50 percent by various authors. If people put their main goal indestructibility of civilization, this probability can be significantly reduced. In 60 years, the basic idea of my work for the business solutions group has problems: identifying opportunities to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by 80%, the reduction of the air basin, and land by increasing its consumption of cultivated plants and the use of more than 1 billion hectares of wasteland Russia. Possible to use self-supporting, with no damage to the economy, enterprise scientific and technical production and begin to create the capital necessary and sufficient to solve some global problems and prolong spiritual perfection to "Ragnarok". When an excess of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, will ensure its use to combat hunger to yield the expected annual economic effect instead of $ 28.32 trillion cost $ 2.4 trillion. After the limited testing of enterprise scientific and technical production in the early 90's, when inflation stagflation 10252% in the dissertation demonstrated the possibility of addressing food security and climate change in the implementation of the "great project of peaceful coexistence" with Russia.
As a result of its use can also be flooded almost all the fertile land of China. Countries like Bangladesh, the Netherlands, Denmark does not cease to exist and become underwater kingdoms. Although the coastline of Western, Northern and Southern Europe will change slightly, but a number of Caribbean islands and Indonesia also will be under water. The territory of Australia is not divided almost in half kind of bay, resembling the ellipse. In South America will not be flooded entire delta of the Amazon, with all its forests. Do not lose fertile fields, plantations and its capital of Argentina. May reduce the impact in North America and will not be affected mainly the southern states of the USA, will not be completely flooded resort peninsula of Florida. The African continent and Antarctica almost lose their land. A, respectively, to extend the terms of spiritual development of man on earth. Read more on the website goprincs.123sait.ru. Buy entrepreneurial scientific and technical production, executed in the form of a doctoral thesis, you can store "Future» - princs.arbooz.com.
For self-sustaining, without damage to the economy, and development of patented solutions to global problems of Grand Duke Vladimir 3 Ordinance I was promoted to the title of Prince with the right to have a dedicated arms and flag, and all the rights and privileges in accordance with the rank.

On the one hand, it could also be a financial mess, stupor economy, hunger and unemployment, and on the other hand, the final destruction of the environment, increased natural disasters and epidemics. The total probability of global catastrophe that could lead to the extinction of mankind in the XXI century is estimated from 10 to 50 percent by various authors. If people put their main goal indestructibility civilization, this probability can be significantly reduced. In 60 years, the basic idea of my business to solve the problems of the first group were : identifying opportunities to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by 80%, the reduction of the air basin, land by increasing its consumption by plants and using more than 1 billion hectares of vacant Russian lands. A, respectively, to extend the terms of spiritual development of man on earth.
The soil cover of the Earth is an essential component of the biosphere. That soil shell determines many of the processes occurring in the biosphere. Imperfection agricultural practices leads to rapid depletion of soils, and the use of extremely harmful, but cheap pesticides for pest management and to improve productivity exacerbates the problem. Equally important is the extensive use of grassland into desert vast tracts of land. Therefore, in recent years there has been steady deterioration of the environment. For example, using the existing technology of cultivation, in response to rising CO2 content in air plants reduces the rate of transpiration (evaporation of water leaves), but associated with more CO2. Reducing transpiration leads to that of the soil is evacuated less water. Accordingly, increases soil moisture, deteriorating its aeration, there areas where there is practically no oxygen (anoxic condition).
In the absence of oxygen in the soil bacteria develop which when receiving energy they need to use nitrogen as the oxidant. Begins the process of denitrification, in which nitrogen is recovered sequentially. At one stage of the process air is released into nitrous oxide (N2O). On the other hand, the abundance of CO2, plants grow faster, in particular, increase the mass of roots. At the same time rooted in the soil, a large amount of labile organic matter that is readily used by bacteria. In places where there is no oxygen, the advantage obtained methanogens bacteria. The end product of their metabolism discharged into the outer environment - is methane. Nitrous oxide and methane - gases which have a strong greenhouse effect.
But in recent years there has been steady deterioration of the environment. For example, using the existing technology of cultivation, in response to rising CO2 content in air plants reduces the rate of transpiration (evaporation of water leaves), but associated with more CO2. Reducing transpiration leads to that of the soil is evacuated less water. Accordingly, increases soil moisture, deteriorating its aeration, there areas where there is practically no oxygen (anoxic condition).
The soil cover of the Earth is an essential component of the biosphere. That soil shell determines many of the processes occurring in the biosphere. Imperfection agricultural practices leads to rapid depletion of soils, and the use of extremely harmful, but cheap pesticides for pest management and to improve productivity exacerbates the problem. Equally important is the extensive use of grassland into desert vast tracts of land. Therefore, in recent years there has been steady deterioration of the environment. For example, using the existing technology of cultivation, in response to rising CO2 content in air plants reduces the rate of transpiration (evaporation of water leaves), but associated with more CO2. Reducing transpiration leads to that of the soil is evacuated less water. Accordingly, increases soil moisture, deteriorating its aeration, there areas where there is practically no oxygen (anoxic condition).
In the absence of oxygen in the soil bacteria develop which when receiving energy they need to use nitrogen as the oxidant. Begins the process of denitrification, in which nitrogen is recovered sequentially. At one stage of the process air is released into nitrous oxide (N2O). On the other hand, the abundance of CO2, plants grow faster, in particular, increase the mass of roots. At the same time rooted in the soil, a large amount of labile organic matter that is readily used by bacteria. In places where there is no oxygen, the advantage obtained methanogens bacteria. The end product of their metabolism discharged into the outer environment - is methane. Nitrous oxide and methane - gases which have a strong greenhouse effect.
Therefore, in Russia represent a serious threat desertification (damage is 25 billion rubles a year). Soil erosion (eroded 21% of all agricultural land. 44% erosion hazard), depletion of fertile layer (lost annually about 0.6 tons per 1 ha of humus on the black soils - up to 0.9 tons), salinization (about 20% of agricultural land), waterlogging and waterlogging of land (more than 19% of all agricultural land), the degradation of grasslands and pastures (about 50% of their area), the massive flooding of lands, their industrial pollution. So was the purpose of the work: development and implementation of an acceptable zone with a short period of maturation process of cultivation of various cereals, legumes, cereals and oilseeds with a system of machines and technological equipment cost, and the use of patented innovations as protective structures in the event of faksmazhornyh circumstances.
. Global problems of humanity - these are problems that affect the vital interests of the world's population and demand for their solutions joint efforts of all countries in the world. A characteristic feature of our time is the intensification of globalization and human impacts on the surrounding environment, which is accompanied by unprecedented intensification and globalization previously negative consequences of this exposure. And if humanity had experienced local and regional environmental crises that could lead to the death of a civilization, but not prevented further progress of the human race as a whole, the present-day situation is fraught with environmental global environmental collapse. Since modern man is destroying the integrity mechanisms of functioning of the biosphere on a planetary scale. Crisis points as the troubled, and the spatial sense is becoming more and they are closely related to each other, forming the increasingly frequent network. It is this fact and suggests the presence of a global ecological crisis and the threat of environmental catastrophe.
According to UN experts, by 2025, the average annual increase in surface temperature may reach 2, 5 ° C, and by the end of the century - almost 6 ° C. This disrupts the natural mechanisms of maintaining the heat balance of the planet Earth and irreversibly transform into a red-hot hell, like Venus. The Secretary-General of the United Nations urged to mobilize science to the solution of global problems of today. Speaking in Seoul forum on the interaction of academic science and the UN, Ban Ki-moon called the three urgent problems which can be solved only with the help of scientists. First he considers food security. The second issue requiring urgent solutions, Ban Ki-moon said sustainable development, including climate change. And the third problem - it is the promotion of tolerance, or, as the Secretary-General, "the great project of peaceful coexistence."
All proposed experts resistance model climate temperature increase are still only on paper laid down concepts. But most of the proposed methods to combat global warming - no more than a concept, with no historical precedent, but because of their implementation of humanity may face risks which are under development, and scientists could not have suspected. Given this, the main factor, which is guided in choosing the concept of combating global warming, yet is time.
Global catastrophe has already occurred - say supporters Peter Uodemsa, nominated sad theory in the analysis of what is happening on the planet. " Point of No Return " almost passed since the freezes and thaws each year waters in northern latitudes has decreased to the lowest levels ever recorded. And is it possible explosion of a nuclear reactor of the Earth due to the loss of key system components heat.
Small glacier on the Salvador Dali painting "Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee around a Pomegranate a Second before dawn " - the result of warming, confirms the disappearance of glaciers arrays poles - essential elements of nuclear reactor heat of the Earth. More sites: oleg-gontar.simplesite.com;
princs.48.wix.com/1919; princs.48.wix.com/1103; princsgop11.wix.com/future.; princs1.reformal.ru; princs48.wix.com/1919; gop19.jimdo.com; princs19.wix.com.
Change in the average surface temperature will lead to the restructuring of the biota - the whole system of living organisms of the Earth - and will be accompanied by such abnormal phenomena as the spread of diseases, pests, so-called species-gangsters. Partially such processes have already begun: from bark beetles killed spruce forests Nechernozemie. Imbalance of climate regulation manifests itself in the form of increased frequency and abnormal weather events such as storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and tsunamis. But the problems are mainly placed and can not be solved due to the high costs of damage to the economy. For example, it was difficult to get the UN 4 - $ 6 trillion, and operating cost of about 200 - $ 400 billion just to perform tasks through 2010. In my business scientific and technical products described in his doctoral thesis, suggests ways and methods to solve some of the global economic, environmental and financial problems. Enterprise scientific and technical products to implement them with those obtained in the 70s information with the Sun Stone of the Aztecs, predicting timing of the terrible earthquake, identifying the reasons for this and ways of its remoteness. With the development of process technology purification restore land and air pool with a system of machines, as well as its development and the identification of annual economic efficiency, necessary expenditures by socio- ethical marketing opportunities enterprise introduction patented scientific and technical products with a valid business risks.
When administered in land use additional 1.1 billion hectares of Russia, as well as the restoration of land contaminated areas of Ukraine, delay the onset of'' greenhouse effect'' and world hunger, achieved a net increase in the intensity of carbon dioxide in photosynthesis 1.3-2, 1 times and developed large areas of decking process of the environmental safety during mine closure can provide an annual economic benefit to 3.62 * 10 ^ 12 $. Therefore, upon receipt of funds under future international sale of quotas for carbon dioxide emissions entrepreneurial bank and carrying out business in the area it is possible to perform studies on the use of large areas of decking and process implementation of environmental safety in the central regulation of the banking and innovative program'' Entrepreneur'' strategic and operational planning, selling products abroad using entrepreneurial development by taking into account the pricing of competitors' prices and economy modes at point of sale, as well as a joint venture to quickly find a niche in the market for applications is one factor model of maximum profit with the basic concept of Adam - Smith.
As a result of its use can not be flooded almost all the fertile land of China. Countries such as Bangladesh, the Netherlands, Denmark does not cease to exist and will not be underwater kingdoms. Although the coastline of Western, Northern and Southern Europe will change slightly, but many of the Caribbean islands and Indonesia also will be under water. Territory of Australia is not divided almost equally peculiar bay shaped like an ellipse. In South America will not be flooded all the delta of the Amazon River, with all its forests. Do not lose the fertile fields, plantations and its capital city of Argentina. May reduce the impact in North America and will not be affected mostly the southern states of the U.S., will not be completely flooded resort Florida peninsula. The African continent and Antarctica almost not lose their land.
To address these problems by Grand Duke Vladimir 3 Ordinance I was promoted to the title of prince with the right to have a special emblem and flag, and all the rights and privileges in accordance with the rite. Buy entrepreneurial scientific and technical products, designed in the form of a doctoral dissertation, you can store "Future » - princs.arbooz.com; arbooz.com/buduschee-24912-17590-s. You can also contribute and affordable, self-sustaining, without damage to the economy, solving some global issues, as well as distance of term 5 self cleaning of the Earth from human garbage. Sending money for registration and postdoctoral in the countries concerned, located below sea level,
You can also promote and affordable, self-sustaining, without damage to the economy, the decision of some global problems, as well as the distance of term 5 self-purification of the Earth from human garbage. Sending money to design and doctoral in the countries concerned, located below sea level, Privat Bank, its MasterCard VISA 4149 4996 4496 9147. Gontar Oleg Pavlovich. Or postal order to the address: 61091, Ukraine, Kharkiv city, street Tankopiya Building 13, Apartment 33. Gontar Oleg Pavlovich. Read more on the website oleg-gontar.simplesite.com; princs5.blogspot.com.

Advance - thank you. Prince, Associate Professor, Ph.D. O.Gontar

1. "The prudent sees the evil and hides himself, but the simple pass forward and are punished" - says in the Bible (Proverbs 22: 3). And God is going to "ruin those ruining the earth" (Revelation 11:18). According to UN experts, by 2025 the increase in the average temperature at the Earth's surface may reach 2, 5 ° C by the end of the century - almost 6 ° C. This will lead to a breach of natural mechanisms to maintain the heat balance of the planet Earth and irreversibly turn into a fiery hell, like Venus.
2. The Secretary-General of the United Nations called on to mobilize science to the solution of global problems of our time. Speaking in Seoul forum devoted to the interaction of academia and the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon called three urgent issues that can be solved only with the help of scientists. First he considers food security. The second problem requiring urgent solution, Ban Ki-moon said sustainable development, including climate change. And the third task - it is the promotion of tolerance, or, as the Secretary-General, "the great project of peaceful coexistence."
3. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (IPCC), the immediate need to at least 60% reduction in CO2 emissions ing just to stabilize concentrations of gases in the atmosphere at their present level. While such an immediate reduction of emissions is simply considered impossible. Although the solution to this problem been patented in the 70 years of the last century. All other models proposed by specialists of resistance temperature rise of climate are still only on paper, the concepts outlined.
4. You can use the entrepreneurial development quickly, as the results of the fight against global warming planetary ecosystem produced during development in the 90 years of the last century were needed yesterday
5.Pri use of enterprise scientific and technical production on the stage of development were no risks that I might not be aware.
6.Provedeno testing - development on the lands of Ukraine - Small State Enterprise "Delta" and Russia - Closed Joint Stock Company "Mirage, self-sustaining and to combat world hunger, partly patented method in the early 90's, and it does not take time.
7.Effekt from the start of development activities was achieved almost immediately.
8.Otsutstvovali side effects during the development of enterprise scientific and technical production-related interference in the measured life of the planetary ecosystem, and if they occur in the industrial implementation can be quickly restored.
9.Net need to develop methods of dealing with the consequences of the proposed entrepreneurial method to combat global warming and hunger.
10. In the result of processing the measurement data obtained by the entrepreneurial development in the thesis is a possibility of further implementation of self-supporting enterprise scientific and technical production with a confidence level of 0.954, suitable for enterprise deployment. With the introduction of land use in addition to 1.1 billion. Russia hectares, as well as the restoration of land contaminated areas of Ukraine, delay the onset of '' greenhouse effect 'and global hunger, reached a net increase in the intensity of photosynthesis of carbon dioxide in 1.3-2, 1 times and developed large areas of decking process of the ecological safety at closing mines, can provide estimated annual economic impact to 3.62 * 10 ^ 12 $. It is also possible solution to the problems of financial turmoil, the final destruction of the environment, enhance natural disasters and epidemics.
11. Mozhno try to avoid a further rise in sea level due to the disappearance of the glaciers of the poles, according to forecasts by 2026. A respectively and all adverse consequences, including the loss of the main elements of the heat of a nuclear reactor of the Earth. At best, the consequences of this can be seen in a painting by Salvador Dali "Dream caused by the flight of a bee around a pomegranate a second before the dawn." In the worst case - the transformation of the earth into a new asteroid belt of the solar system.
12. Perhaps the solution, and the third objective - the promotion of tolerance, or, as the Secretary-General, "the great project of peaceful coexistence" and c Russia.
13. Vnedrenie enterprise scientific and technical production can contribute and extend the life of spiritual perfection of man on earth.

1.Bibliya (Proverbs 22:3), (2 Corinthians 1:3, 4, 7-6), (Psalm 23:4), (Matthew 24:3, Daniel 9:25), (Isaiah 55:7); Dictionary of Catholic Theology (Dictionnaire de Théologie Catholique). The article "The End of the World." Eschatology. Revelation. The Book of Daniel. Some Apocrypha (eg, "The Revelation of Peter"). Yaum al-Kyyama, Arab. يوم القيامة, letters. "The Day of Resurrection." Canon Tripitaka and encyclopaedia Abhidharmakosha. Predictions in 2nd Timothy. Mahapralaya Mahâ-pralaya, «great destruction"). Chiliasm.
2.Bostrom.N. Extinction risk. Analysis of human extinction scenarios and related hazards.
3.Yudkovsky E. Systematic errors in reasoning, potentially affecting the assessment of global risks.
4.Yudkovsky E. Artificial intelligence as a positive and negative factor in global risk.
5.Turchin.A.V. The structure of global catastrophe.
6. I.G.Koskov, Shapovalov, 0.P.Gontar. Barring CNG. Coal of Ukraine.
7.Patent Ukraine № 24722A from 10.02.1998g. Metallicheckaya supple crepe. Koskov IG Gontar OP etc. Opubl.30.10.98. Bull. № 5.
8.Polozhitelnoe decision on the application № 2001010555 from 25.01.2001. The metal panel is attached with the local elements of the relief. Koskov I.G, Gontar OP etc.
9.Trishevsey IS, S. Bells, Gontar O.P. Manufacturing expanded rolled formed sections. Industrial construc, № 12, 1981.
10.Copyright certificate 942, 984 / USSR / DSP device for punching and pieces or strip material. / Auto. invention Gontar OP, /. Opubl.15, 07.82. Bulletin number 26.
11. Copyright certificate 1201027 / USSR / ROLL device / auth. invention. Gontar 0.P. / 1985.
12.. Copyright certificate 1186858 / USSR /. Safety clutch / auto. invention Gontar OP.1985, Opubl.23.10.85g. Bull. № 39.
13.. Copyright certificate8986b7 / USSR / DSP. Way to feed the strip material in the press working area and device for its implementation. (Auto invention Trishevsky IS, Klepanda VV Gontar OP and others) 1981.
14. Copyright certificate 1176969 / USSR / coaters / auto. Invention Gontar OP / Publ, 07.09.85.Byul number 33.
15..1Copyright certificate 829225 / USSR / DSP. The method for

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